White Pine Project IPA

White Pine Project IPA

India Pale Ale

White Pine Project IPA is a beer with a purpose; to help reinstate the white pine population on the North Shore of Minnesota. This IPA flaunts a robust aroma of bright citrus, tropical fruit, and pine with just enough bitterness to keep it balanced. The mellow golden malt character and effervescence carry the towering hop flavors as high as a stately white pine. Proceeds from this beer go directly to planting trees that will stand for future generations to enjoy.




Where to Buy
Flavors and Aromas
Bright citrus, tropical fruit, pine
Pale Ale, Vienna, Oats, Cara Pils, Munich, Cara Red
Idaho 7, Citra, Chinook
That is a dangerously good looking tap lineup... Grab a pint of White Pine Project IPA and feel good about giving back to the North Shore. Our White Pine Seedling Giveaway at the taproom is this weekend! Come and plant a tree (or a few) with us. 🌲🍻
#castledangerbrewery #whitepineprojectipa #northshore
*Spotted at @jselbys.
Today is the day! Let's make this world a greener place. 
This Arbor Day Weekend, we will be giving away 3,500 white pine seedlings to be planted along the North Shore of Minnesota. Stop by our taproom anytime today and tomorrow to pick up your seedlings - no purchase necessary. Planting professionals will be here to walk you through best practices to guarantee piney success. While you're here, stay for a beer! #whitepineprojectipa #northshore #arborday 🌲🍻
There's no shame in ordering a case from your local liquor store. Especially when this beer is only around for so long. 🌲
#whitepineprojectipa #castledangerbrewery
On these chilly days you may need a little liquid courage to get out on the ice. But we have to say, it's totally worth it. 🍻

#stateofhockey #minnesota #whitepineprojectipa #castledangerbrewery #freshair
Fresh fills. Nothing better.

#whitepineprojectipa #castledangerbrewery #whitepineproject
What beer do you take out on the ice with you? πŸŽ£πŸ§ŠπŸ’πŸ₯…
Lately, we've been feelin' White Pine Project IPA.

#whitepineprojectipa #castledangerbrewery #northshoremn
We're giving away 4,500 white pine seedlings this month!  Most of these will be available at our taproom in Two Harbors from April 29th - May 1st, but limited amounts will also be available at select bars and restaurants around Minnesota. Keep an eye out for a bar or restaurant near you giving away some seedlings!

#whitepineprojectipa #castledangerbrewery #whitepineproject
Neeeeeerrroommm! πŸ»β›·οΈπŸ’¨

#whitepineproject #whitepineprojectipa #castledangerbrewery
Our annual white pine seedling giveaway starts today! Stop by our taproom to grab your seedling(s). We'll have staff available to help you from 10am-5pm. Please take only as many as you can responsibly plant and care for.
*Our taproom doesn't open until noon, so please enter through the side party room door.*

#whitepineproject #whitepineprojectipa #castledangerbrewery 
πŸ“Έ : @vincentledvina